суббота, 4 декабря 2010 г.

Grid For The 25 Hours Of Thunderhill

Grid For The 25 Hours Of Thunderhill

The25 Hours of Thunderhillis about to begin. We know that 82 cars will see the green flag but after 25 hours of racing, how many will actually see the checker?

Grid For The 25 Hours Of Thunderhill

TheNational Auto Sport Association (NASA)25 Hours of Thunderhillis the longest closed course endurance race in the world, one hour longer than the infamous24 Heures du Mansin France or the American version the24 Hours of Daytona.

Grid For The 25 Hours Of Thunderhill

Some of the same players and even cars from those two different events actually make the trek out to California on a cold December weekend to compete in the world's longest race. Johannes van Overbeek (ex-ALMSdriver forFlying Lizard Motorsports) is competing in the event. He was once touted as one of the best Porsche drivers on the planet.

Grid For The 25 Hours Of Thunderhill

Six different classes will be battling for their own victory as well as the overall win. The faster cars (ES and ESR class) are mandated to run yellow headlamp covers so the slower classes (E0, E1, E2, and E3) know when to"look out!"

Grid For The 25 Hours Of Thunderhill

The first six hours of the 25 hour long race will be the finale for theWestern Endurance Racing Championship (WERC)where teams will be battling for championship points. After the first six hours is up, then all concentration is on"Surviving the 25"and finishing this punishing event.

Grid For The 25 Hours Of Thunderhill

We will keep you up to date this weekend here onJalopnikas the action unfolds on the track.

Photos byGotBlueMilk.com Photography


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